четвъртък, 18 август 2011 г.

One of "those" days

I don't think there is a person on this planet who has never had one of "those" days. The days when nothing seems to go right. No matter how hard you try, you just can't help it. It looks like every single person on The Earth is trying to make you angry or to do something you don't like.
First you have to get up early for work and hurry up with the shower and the breakfast, then you miss the bus, now you are going to be late and you have to explain to your boss how long you had to wait for the next bus. And it's like you don't already have enough troubles  but every colleague is in his/her joking-mood (don't they see you have one of "those" days - it is written on your face, and you are not in a mood for jokes!?) , every customer is asking the silliest questions of the world trying to get on your nerves and not understanding that you have one of "those" days and that it's not the right moment to ask you for help! At the end of the day your parents call, asking how your day was...they just don't get it - you have one of "those" days. And when you finally get home your room-mate is asking "Everything all right, bro?". No bro, it ain't all right, I have one of "those" days! Mannnn, that's annoying!!!
But hold on a second, let's backward your "one of "those" days" day! First you woke up, every day a lot of people just don't, then you had to get up, many people just don't have a bed to get up of, and taking shower and having breakfast is luxury for them! You just rushed so fast that you didn't even notice the two blind women just a couple of steps far from the bus station, singing and trying to earn some money so they could make it through the day. You were so wrapped in thoughts how should you explain to your boss that your are late, that you forgot to say "good morning" to your colleagues and after that you didn't notice they were trying to make you smile with their jokes, because they saw you have one of "those" days. You were so angry that you didn't realize that the customers just needed a kind answer of their questions and by the way - helping them is your job. You were so obsessed by your problems you even forgot to ask your parents, when they called, how your sick granny is and thanking them for their concern. And your room-mate just wanted to help you, not thinking about his problems, even though he has enough of them.
Ohhh and by the way at the end of one of "those" days you could at least tell God: "Thank You Lord, for blessing me with such of things as home, friends, job and family. Things a lot of people are dreaming of!"

2 коментара:

  1. интересно. а иначе денят е такъв, какъвто си го направиш. най-добре да почнеш от вечерта на предишния, не мислиш ли?))

  2. Страхотно е! И аз съм благодарна за моите приятели и семейство!
