четвъртък, 25 август 2011 г.

The clock

Have you ever seen a clock that doesn't have a battery? It just doesn't work, does it? You just look at the hands and they don't move, no matter how long you stare at them. They are still there but they don't serve a purpose they were made for! Such a clock is useless! Isn't it sad?!
That reminds me so much of the life! But not the life as it supposed to be, but the life without dreams. Dreams are our life's batteries. They are what makes us keep going no matter what and no matter how hard it seems to be! Like the second's hand of the clock we need to make some small steps to make our dreams come true. If the second's hand doesn't move, we would never see the minute's and the hour's hand moving. In life if we don't make these little steps we won't see big things happening. The motion of the minute's and the hour's hands is a result of the motion of the second's hand, at the moment it stops, they will stop too. If we stop doing the little things we know we have to do pursuing our dreams, than the hole mechanism of our life stops. If you have a dream you gotta fight for it. You are going to face a lot of obstacles, but if you give up, that means you pull out the batteries of your life. But if you don't give up, at the end of your life you can say: "I did it my way. I had my dreams, some of them I achieved, some of them I didn't, but at least I fought for them and I never gave up. I kept the batteries in my clock."
And one more thing - don't get too comfortable with what you achieved and where are you now, because even the clock without batteries is right twice a day, but it still doesn't mean it works!

1 коментар:

  1. "Нямаше ли да е по-лесно всички да сме часовникови стрелки? И всеки оборот, който направим около оста си да бъде всъщност крачка напред и да продължиш в следващата минута, или следващият час...Всъщност, като се замисля и те правят едно и също. Циклят в кръг и ни дават илюзията,че отмерваме нещо безмерно: времето"
    Както времето, така и животът и мечтите не могат да бъдат отмерени.
    За мен аналогията с часовник е тъжна, защото работата на един часовник е да изпълнява същото отново и отново, само за посочва правилният час. Което ако го съпоставим с човек, трябва да потъваме всеки ден в една и съща рутина,или да живеем по график, за да сме пълноценни сякаш.
